Claims Management Services

Exceptional claims management and nurse case management your public entity can trust

Claims Management Services

Our mission is to achieve maximum cost savings results and the best outcomes. Our organization has been offering specialized management of public entity claims for over 20 years, and we currently manage well over 400 public entities in the state of Illinois. By accessing our claims management services, clients receive both the workers’ compensation and property & casualty lines of businesses, along with all liability lines of coverage for public entities. This includes specialty lines in the areas of law enforcement liability and public officials and employee liability.

Our staff specializes in various public entity program business, including risk pools and other various unique SIR insurance structures. As a testament to our service standards, we maintain a 95% rate of client retention.

Claims Management Service Highlights

Dedicated service adjuster approach to your public entity

Online claim reporting through our “In-Sight Online” product with instant claim acknowledgment

Online claim review and claim report generation through our In-Sight 360° platform

24-hour contact on every new claim submission, including the issuance of benefit ticket

Clients are updated on all critical events and participate in all major claims decisions

On-site claim file reviews

Tailor-made service plans

Claims scoring & predictive modeling analytics

Specialized Case Management Programs

  • Telephonic workers’ compensation case management
  • Enhanced case management
  • Badge of Health program – specific to public entities
  • Short term disability administration

Your Claims Management Team

Mike Castro
Mike CastroSr. VP of Claims Management Services
Julie Wright
Julie WrightClaims VP

For Bill Status:

Please contact the provider relations team at (800) 240-0809.

For Bill Submission:

Did you know that medical bills and records can be sent electronically for faster service? Please contact Smart Data at (855) 650-6590.

Learn How We Can Help